Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Michael Jackson Merchandise

Michael Jackson's music has been popular since his debut in the early 80's, yet we've seen a huge resurgence in his popularity since his recent death. Stores have clamored to get their hands on Michael Jackson merchandise. Sales of Michale Jackson songs on itunes have soared, as Michale Jackson's songs blanket the the most sold songs of the week. But how do merchandiser's obtain Michael Jackson merchandise? It's obvious that there are Michael Jackson albums and other Michael Jackson memorabilia for sale on auction sites such as Ebay. Maybe even some domestic clothing companies making Michael Jackson T-Shirts, but isn't most other trinket type merchandise made in China? How quickly can importers order this merchandise, have it produced, and then shipped in to the United States? Then, they have to sell it to the stores. This whole thing takes time. Will the Michael craze still be going on at this time, or will it have died, like a candle in the wind? We're sure to see Michael Jackson merchandise on closeout, and at dollar stores by Christmas time, which is only four months away!

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