Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Dedicate a Tree Gift

For anybody looking to dedicate a tree as a gift, I have to share this amazing cause with you.  The group is called 1 Tree Mission® and a tree is planted for each bracelet you purchase.

Not sure what to buy the person who already has everything?  Or worse, another piece of plastic or junk that will end up in a landfill some day?

Purchase a high quality, hand-made, all natural, semi-precious bead bracelet on recycled cord, which the mission will plant a tree in honor of your purchase!

1 Tree Mission® has high ambitions to help reforestation, which ultimately helps suck carbon out of the air, but they also want to create awareness to the importance of trees.  The more conversational pieces they can get onto wrists, the further the message can reach, on just how badly we all need to take a look at how we can help the planet!  So if you're considering to plant a tree in memory of somebody, or simply not to invest in another unused gift, consider gifting these bracelets instead, while helping our precious planet.