Monday, June 15, 2009

Museum Jewelry

Are you looking to buy museum jewelry for your shop? There are tens of thousands of museums across the country, and with most being mission specific, they must be able to buy museum jewelry to sell at their gift shops. What is museum jewelry you may ask? Depending on what type of venue you're talking about, it could be space jewelry, like moons, stars, and other celestial charms, or maybe natural history related like dinosaur necklaces, or animal jewelry. So weather you're a small art museum or the Smithsonian Museum in Washington, DC, finding the right museum jewelry to buy is detrimental to making retail sales to support your facility.


  1. In Fashion Jewelry is a realm of the fashion industry that is not always so tanchi friendly. Just the other night I was introducing myself to a gentleman and when he shook my hand, the ring I was wearing on my thickest finger nearly caused an injury. Not really, but it did hurt because jewelry isn’t necessarily made for small hands and the ring, unlike clothing, isn’t so easy to alter. Kelly of Alterations Needed however, a fellow petite San Diego fashion blogger has found some tips and tricks for jewelry, particularly for making bangles and pearl bracelets petite friendly.

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